list of classical problems

9934    Alice and Bob ALICE 136 32.61
9935    Break the Chocolate BC 1638 34.53
9936    Construct the Great Wall CGW 9 41.67
9938    Disney Fastpass DISNEY 33 24.12
9939    Eliminate the Conflict EC 48 40.53
9940    Fruit Ninja FNINJA 39 26.73
9941    GRE Words GRE 104 20.53
9942    Holiday Accommodation HOLI 1059 26.03
9943    Isabella Message ISAB 67 24.08
9944    Ji-Tu Problem JITU 14 12.50
9948    Will it ever stop WILLITST 17747 43.08
9950    IQ Team IQTEAM 37 41.59
9952    111…1 Squared GUANGGUN 1753 46.63
9964    Fibonacci vs Polynomial PIBO 126 40.67
9967    Playing with Words PWORDS 37 32.99
9968    Magic Crystals and Laser Beams MCLB 179 23.48
9969    Road Network RDNWK 307 22.14
9970    The Egyptian Parliament EGYPAR 49 18.84
9971    Adventurous Chess Masters ACHESS 19 22.32
9972    The SKey SKEY 83 16.55
9973    Problem Set Score PROSCORE 914 39.50
9974    Men From Mars MENMARS 22 39.66
9975    No Stories Any More! FSEQ 46 29.02
9985    Distance DISTX 61 24.14
10050    Power Tower City POWTOW 97 70.55
10070    Trick or Treat TRICKTRT 243 67.01
10071    Working at the Restaurant RESTAURN 32 37.78
10072    Lights LIGHTS2 60 47.17
10073    Darts DARTS 35 62.86
10074    Genetics GENETIC2 9 33.33
10075    Haunted Graveyard GRAVEYRD 41 19.47
10076    Slalom SLALOM2 30 34.44
10077    Routing ROUTING 15 38.64
10078    Happy Telephones HAPPYTL 293 48.82
10079    Stammering Aliens STAMMER 133 31.42
10080    Lawn Mower LAWNMWR 228 52.22
10081    Periodic Points PERIODIC 12 40.00
10082    Comparing Answers CMPANS 57 12.59
10084    Fake Scoreboard FAKESCOR 23 45.21
10085    Palindromic DNA PALINDNA 20 29.76
10086    Jumping Monkey JMPMNKEY 54 24.87
10087    Sensor Network SENSORNT 23 21.85
10088    Assembly Line ASSEMBLY 34 40.43
10089    Locks and Keys LOCKKEY 17 33.75
10091    Three-sided Dice DICE 27 20.71
10092    Party Night PRTYNGHT 28 41.89
10095    Caper Pizza CAPPIZZA 27 27.56
10096    Lights (Extreme) LIGHTS3 55 30.25
10105    Alphabet Soup ALPHSOUP 28 50.00
10106    Coin Collecting COIN 42 39.64
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